Basketball Tryouts

This week we are having basketball tryouts. At first, I was really just trying out for fun. I didn’t think I would like it since I’ve never played before but it seems like the more I play the more I like it.

During tryouts we do all sorts of things. Today we practiced layups and dribbling the ball up and down the court.

Monday we get to know if we made it in and I’m extremely nervous. I really would love to play basketball on a team because I think it would be a great experience.


Pressure and frustration fill my body. I can feel blood pumping through my veins. The score is 24-23 and Hudson Ben is winning. I turn around, “Back row get ready!” I say. The other server tosses the ball, it’s coming to me.

“I can’t let it drop we’ll loose!” I thought to myself. I could see the ball coming. It dropped perfectly to my hands as I set the ball. “BACK ROW HELP!” I yelled. I could see the ball drop out of the coroner or my eyes. I saw it drop.

We lost. My heart broke in a million pieces. At that moment I was furious, but now I realize I did the best I could and that’s all that matters.